Good Evening! If you are receiving this email twice let me start out by apologizing. I don't think any bellsouth account received the first email as I did not get it myself so here we go again.
Just a couple of reminders about the dinner concert that is coming up this Thursday, November 17th at 6:00 pm. Cost of the dinner concert is $5.00 per person payable at the door. Band students will eat for free.
First, your child should have brought home a RSVP form last week that was due back last friday. If you have not filled this out, please fill it out and send back in tomorrow as we need to get a good head count for Thursday night. If you would prefer to just email me your count that is fine as well. Please do not include your band student in the count.
Just a reminder of what each student is to provide for the dinner:
Percussion and Guard - dessert (please have those at the school on Thursday as close to 5:00 as possible)
Winds - 2 -2 liter sodas (please have those at the school by Wednesday if possible)
Lastly, if you have volunteered to bring a crock pot of food, THANK YOU! Also, please make sure you label your crock pot with your name, what it is (we will have index cards at the school as well) and please bring a serving spoon (name on your spoon as well)
We still need volunteers to help serve and clean up. Remember set up help needs to be at the school at 5:00 pm and servers need to be there at 5:30 pm.
Thank you again to everyone who has volunteered to help out in some way on Thursday night. We are looking forward to a wonderful dinner and great music from our band.
Alicia Haley