Tuesday, March 7, 2023

LGPE 2023 Schedule

Hello Everyone,


Below are the schedules for our LGPE Performances for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble on March 16th and the Concert Band on March 17th.  

We do understand that it will be a long day for the Symphonic Band.  As always, parents are more than welcome to take their children home after they perform and sight read.  Please just sign your child out from our lead chaperone so that we may keep track of everyone.  Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

Spirit of South Paulding Symphonic Band 

Thursday, March 16th 2023

Students in the Symphonic Band will need to pay $3 for pizza and bring money for dinner at Chic-Fil-A.

10:00 AM -  Students change into formal wear and load buses

10:30 AM - Students depart for Carroll County Performing Arts Center

11:15 AM - Students Arrive and listen to groups perform.

12:30 PM - Pizza arrives.  Students eat.

2:40 PM - Symphonic Band starts Warm Up

3:20 PM - Symphonic Band Performs

4:00 PM - Symphonic Band loads equipment and heads back to listen to more ensembles.

8:15 PM – Symphonic Band Departs for Carrollton Chick Fil A located at 1156 Bankhead Hwy, Carrollton, GA 30116

8:20 PM - Arrive for Dinner

9:00 PM - Depart for SPHS

9:35 PM - Arrive at SPHS

Spirit of South Paulding Wind Ensemble
Thursday, March 16th 2023

Students in the Wind Ensemble need to bring $$$ to eat at Chic-Fil-A!

2:15 PM - Wind Ensemble Departs SPHS

3:00 PM - Wind Ensemble Arrives at Carroll County Performing Arts Center

6:40 PM – Wind Ensemble Warms Up

7:20 PM – Wind Ensemble Performs

8:15 PM – Wind Ensemble Departs for Carrollton Chick Fil A located at 1156 Bankhead Hwy, Carrollton, GA 30116

8:20 PM - Arrive for Dinner

9:00 PM - Depart for SPHS

9:35 PM - Arrive at SPHS

Spirit of South Paulding Concert Band 
Friday March 17th, 2023


8:15 AM – Students arrive at SPHS, change into formal wear, and load buses

9:00 AM - Depart SPHS

9:45 AM – Arrive at Carroll County Performing Arts Center

10:30 AM - Warm Up Begins

11:00 AM - Concert Band Performs

11:35 AM – Concert Band departs for SPHS

12:15 PM – Concert Band arrives at SPHS