Tuesday, September 19, 2023

This Week! (9/19)

Hi Everyone,


Here is everything you need to know about this week:


1 – Our practice schedule has been extended Tuesday and Thursday.  We will rehearse until 7 PM both days.

2 – Friday we travel to Newnan HS.  Newnan reached out and let us know that we can’t perform our halftime show this Friday due to their Homecoming ceremonies.  We are looking forward to performing in the stands and supporting our football team!  We will plan to leave SPHS for Newnan at 5:15 PM on Friday and we plan to be back to the school around 11:45 PM. 

3 – Spirit Wear – Our 2nd order of spirit wear is due on Friday, 9/22, no later than 4:00 PM

4 – Practice schedule for fall break.  We are very excited for Fall Break next week.  The band will only rehearse on FRIDAY, 9/29, from 8 AM – 12 PM so that we can perform our halftime show next Friday evening.

5 – Volunteers for the game during fall break.  Parents – we need help in concessions on Friday the 29th.  As always, we ask every family to volunteer at least once in the concession stand.  We will need extra “hands on deck” with people traveling next week.  Our concession stand is a HUGE fundraiser for the band and we can’t do it without you!  Signups are located in Cut Time.

6 – We have a Band Booster Club meeting this evening (Tuesday the 19th) in the band room at 7 PM.

7 – Parents travelling with us on the trip – please let Mr. McConnell know who you are planning on rooming with ASAP!  Also let him know if you need help finding a roommate.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you!