Thursday, September 7, 2023

This Week! (9/7)

Good Morning Everyone,


We hope all of you have had a great week – here is what the rest of the week looks like for us:


1 – Today, Thursday the 7th, is the due date to sign up to audition for District Honor Band and All-State Band.  Registration is $30.


2 – Tomorrow we play North Paulding High School at NPHS.  Here is our schedule:

3:25 – School ends.  Students begin to load the trailers.

4:00 – Dinner provided (Longhorn.)

5:30 – Depart for NPHS

6:15 – Arrive at NPHS

7:30 – Kickoff

10:00 – Football game ends

11:15 – Arrive back at SPHS

Tickets for the game are available at this link: North Paulding Wolfpack - Ticket Spicket


3 – This weekend is Paulding Meadows!  Here is a recap of everything we have sent out recently:

Paulding Meadows is THIS WEEKEND! Here are the details for our performance with the Marching Band on Saturday.  Our Band performs at 12:30 PM and students will be done at 1:15 PM. Students should plan to arrive at Earl Duncan Park no later than 11:15 AM.  For those who are new to Paulding Meadows, traffic in the morning can really be an issue. All members of the band must use the Northside Elementary School entrance Saturday morning for the performance. Enter Northside Elementary, drive to the back of the parking lot, and you will see a gate that leads you into Earl Duncan Park. Follow this road until you see our Band Trailers. Please plan on arriving EARLY so that your child is not LATE. For those parents who are not working with the Band for Paulding Meadows, tickets are $3 per person. Students are wearing their CASUAL uniform for our Paulding Meadows performance. If anyone stops you at the Northside Elementary School entrance, just let them know that your child is performing in the band. They will then direct you to the proper location to meet us.

Paulding Meadows Volunteers.  Please take a moment to login to to access the adult volunteer and student work schedule sign ups for Paulding Meadows through the Volunteer Opportunities tab on the drop down menu. From there you can "select event" to find Paulding Meadows dates for both Saturday and Sunday. Adults - we really need help in the "GATE" spots.


Adults, we need your help to make this event successful.  There are jobs that students aren't allowed to perform and we must provide adequate supervision of all jobs.  This is a huge fundraiser for our kids - we need everyone to pitch in!  If you have any questions, you can contact Bri Lund at: