Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Corky Kell / March-A-Thon Information

Good Afternoon,


We hope all of you are doing well!  We have quite a bit of information to share with you:


Corky Kell Classic


We are excited about the football game tomorrow!  FOOTBALL IS BACK!!!  Here is a reminder of all of the information about the game:


Students in the marching band will miss their 4th period class and will be responsible for making up any missed work.  Students will eat lunch here at SPHS and should plan to bring money to eat from the concession stand at WFHS.  We are anticipating wearing our CASUAL uniform for this game due to the heat and time of kickoff.  As a reminder, casual uniform is show shirt, khaki shorts, and white/black/grey tennis shoes.  The band will also be providing students with pizza at the conclusion of the game.


1:30 PM – Students are released from class.  Students load equipment / change for the game.

2:00 PM – Depart SPHS

3:45 PM – Arrive @ West Forsyth High School

4:30 PM – Kickoff!

7:30 PM – Game Ends.  Load Trailer / Eat Pizza / Load Buses. 

8:00 PM – Depart WFHS for SPHS

9:45 PM – Arrive @ SPHS


Parents – due to the nature of high school football, our return times are always our best estimate.  We will ask your children to text you when we get close to the school!


Here is the link to purchase tickets for the game:

Corky Kell + Dave Hunter Classic - Thursday - Dunwoody vs South Paulding - South Paulding Link - Football - Aug 15, 2024 (



March-A-Thon Information


Today we sent home information about our March-A-Thon Fundraiser with your children.  Next Saturday, August 24th is our March-A-Thon.  Please see the links below for more information about the event, and the ways it can be used to raise funds for student fees.  The March-A-Thon is a required rehearsal for our students!


March-A-Thon Information Letter:


March-A-Thon Friends and Family Letter:


March-A-Thon Pledge Form: