Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Practice Tomorrow - 5:00PM to 8:00PM

We learned at today's practice that 8:00-9:00 is not a good time to learn drill because we run out of daylight. Earlier in the season our daylight would last us until at least 8:30, but tonight we were done learning drill by 8:00. In an effort to get the most out of our time together we moved the rehearsal start time to 5:00PM. Hopefully students have communicated this change to you already, but if not please make note of this change. I apologize for the sudden change of plans, but I appreciate any and all flexibility that you are able to have.

Percussion voted to hold a sectional from 8:00-9:00 in an effort to utilize our staff better. I will be at school tomorrow by 3:00 to open the band room for the colorguard who will continue to work on equipment for the show. I really appreciate everyone doing what it takes for us to put this show together. This is the last stretch! Let's finish strong!