Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Musical

Dear pit orchestra members,

Thank you very much for the time that you have committed to the learning your music for the spring musical.  Unfortunately, there is not enough time to coordinate the music with the production.  Due to the time restraints that we are faced with we will not be performing the musical.  I am proud of all of you for giving your time to learning your music and giving it your best.  This is disappointing for all of us involved, but is in the best interest of the production.

I appreciate the commitment that you have made.  Yes, we have had some frustrating rehearsals - but I mean it when I tell you that I am very proud of you.  The music is extremely challenging, far more challenging than anything that we have ever attempted and the demand of the coordination between the actors and orchestra is extremely high.

I know that many of you made huge sacrifices for this musical.  Even though we will not be performing live we did learn some very valuable lessons during the process and gained experiences that some of us may never have the opportunity to experience again.

I wanted to wait to tell you until Monday morning, but after thinking about it and knowing you guys as well as I do, I wanted you to know as soon as possible so that you do not have to spend time this weekend practicing the music.  I want you to enjoy your weekend, take a look at the music for our concert on Tuesday and be prepared to hit the ground running on Monday.  Maybe we all can enjoy the lock-in a little more on Friday knowing that we can really sleep in on Saturday :)