Thursday, October 10, 2013


Somehow I missed an email --- Tomorrow there will be a pep rally during 7th period- we will run the 1 hour early dismissal schedule so the students will still visit all 7 classes.  

Band students will be dismissed to the band room at 2:15 so that we can get our instruments and cadence to the field to kick off our peprally festivities.  

Over all this week has been a very positive and productive week! I know today we had a less focused rehearsal than we do our best to achieve, but I am confident that tomorrow we will have a promising morning run and finish out this week strong.  

Students need to report to the patio in full uniform and begin conducting uniform checks by 5:45pm.  

We are approaching a much needed weekend of rest.  I hope that everyone enjoys their time off as we head into our last 2 weeks of our competitive season.  This is our crunch time, the time that will define our season.  We have put so much hard work into the show already!  Let's make these last few weeks our best weeks and continue to hold our heads high.  It's been a great season, let's finish strong!