Monday, October 27, 2014

This Week at a Glance

Hi Everyone!  Here's the plan for this week:

Monday - No practice!

Tuesday - No practice!

Wednesday - No Practice!

Thursday - Marching Band from 3:45 - 5:30 (We will be done earlier than usual on Thursday.)

Friday - SENIOR NIGHT!  Home vs. Alexander.

    3:45 PM - Halloween Celebration begins in the Band Room
    5:30 PM - Halloween Celebration ends
    6:00 PM - Reception for Seniors and their Parents in the Commons
    6:10 PM - Band Warms Up
    6:30 PM - Seniors and Senior Parents line up by the football field (We'll direct you exactly where to go on Friday).  Please line up in alphabetical order by your student's last name. 
    7:30 PM - Kick Off!

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you for all you do!