Monday, November 10, 2014

This Week!

Hi Everyone,

We have a ton of things going on this week.  Here's everything you need to know:

Jazz Band from 3:45 - 5:00

London Parade Rehearsal from 3:45 - 6:00
Winterguard Interest Meeting from 6:00 - 6:30

Jazz Band from 7:45 AM - 8:20 AM
Community Pep Rally at 7:00 PM
     - Students are more than welcome to go home and come back for the pep rally.  The report time is 6:30 PM in full uniform.  The pep rally will take place in our main gym and parents are encouraged to attend. 

Marching Band Rehearsal from 3:45 - 5:00
Dinner Concert at 7:00 PM
      -  Students who are in the Marching Band will have an opportunity to change and get ready for the dinner concert after Marching Band Rehearsal.  Dress for the concert is Sunday Best.  No blue jeans allowed.  Gentlemen are encouraged to wear a tie.  Ladies should either wear dress pants or a long skirt / dress. 
     -  Parents - WE NEED FOOD!  The only way these dinner concerts work is through your generous donations.  Can't cook?  That's okay too.  We need help setting up and cleaning up as well.  Please click here to sign up to help out on Thursday.

Band Placement Auditions after school
Home Playoff game vs. Mays High School
     - As always, we do need people who are willing to work the concession stand.  You can sign up by clicking here.  As of Monday at 12:00 PM, we have only 4 of the required 20 people to help with concessions...
     - Just an FYI - 1st Round Playoff tickets are $8 for adults and children.  This is higher than normal and is set by GHSA. 
     - We're also up for Fox 5's game of the week.  You can click here to vote for SPHS!