Monday, October 21, 2019

This Week (10/21)

Good Morning Everyone,

Lots of important information this week.  Please see below!

1. We are almost out of bottled water and we need your help!  Our band goes through quite a bit of water.  Please consider picking up a case or two of water for the band this week.  All donations can be brought directly to the band room.

2. This week is a regular rehearsal schedule.

3. Friday's kickoff vs. Mays will be at 8:00 PM.  Friday is also Homecoming for Mays. Due to those two factors, we will not perform our normal halftime show on Friday.  We will still travel to the game and perform in the stands.  Friday's game will be played at Lakewood Stadium (not Mays HS).

Here is the address for Lakewood Stadium: Lakewood Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30315

4. Admission for Saturday's band contest will be $10, not $8 as previously communicated.  Below is the information for this weekend again with the corrected entry price.

Below is the information for our next Band Competition on October 26th.  Admission is $10.

Saturday October 26th - Band Contest - Peach State Marching Festival


1:30 PM - Practice begins at SPHS
3:45 PM - Rehearsal Ends
5:45 PM - Leave South Paulding High School
7:05 PM - Arrive @ Barron Stadium
8:25 PM - Warm - Up  
9:15 PM - South Paulding Performs
9:40 PM - Awards Ceremony
11:00 PM - Depart Barron Stadium
12:00 AM - Arrive @ SPHS

Need Directions to Peach State?  Here's the address:
Barron Stadium, Rome, Georgia